Tree Advice

When winter is in full force, salt deicers remove ice on walkways, driveways and roads for safety. It’s important to know, however, that these salt deicing products can damage trees

Winds are fierce. Storms can break branches. But winter weather may bring other tree and shrub issues. Cold weather and fluctuating temperatures often result in damage called winter injury or

It’s always good to take a walk around your property and notice what’s happening with your trees and shrubs. You may spot something not quite right that could signify an

Did you know that many structural defects that occur in older trees are preventable? Pruning trees when they are young helps ensure a strong and more structurally stable form as

You may think that the name says it all, but evergreen needles don’t actually stay green forever. Each species of evergreen tends to keep its needles for a defined length

Fall is a great time to prepare your trees for winter and the following spring. Preventative and remedial treatments in the fall can help boost trees’ stamina in winter and

Many organizations choose to give away or sell very young trees to help encourage tree planting. Often, you leave home not knowing that you’ll come back with a new tree

What makes fall a good time to plant a new tree? During autumn, the soil is still warm enough to support root growth, allowing the root system to become established.

Lots of scale insects are active during the heat of summer, but some of these tiny pests are just now beginning to hatch and will continue causing tree and shrub

Storms can wreak havoc in a community and while utility companies work to clear trees from power lines, there is another group actively assisting in storm cleanup of trees that

Pruning mature trees removes dead and dying branches to maintain plant health and safety

Looking at problems posed by excess soil and mulch around the base of tree:

Most of us are familiar with the results of drought stress, but did you know that high temperatures alone can cause significant damage to the health of your plants? Given

Although long used as a groundcover, ivy is harmful for trees. It is not indigenous, and many species are aggressively invasive and displace native species. In North America, the most

The proper care of young trees can prevent many future problems. Browse our resources to learn more about how to best care for seedlings and young trees. Planting Ten steps