Tree Advice

A tree’s root collar is the transition area from the roots to the trunk. It is usually noticeable because of the prominent flare leading to the major buttress roots. Trees

Many geographies had an extremely dry summer. How does drought impact trees? The lack of water adversely affects nearly all plant processes.  Plants are unable to to produce food, which

Lightning strikes millions of trees each year. Though not many trees die immediately, strikes often cause serious structural weakness. This damage increases the risk of branches falling and predisposes the

We often promote shrub pruning in winter during the dormant season when its easier to see the branching structure. Indeed, winter is a great time to undertake this task. However,

Stress from drought can seriously impact trees and shrubs. Leaves will wilt and drop. Overall tree growth is reduced and trees are more likely to become infested by insect pests

Imagine staying outside all of the time, even during winter. Exposed to severe weather, you’d face many problems. Even though trees live and grow outside, that doesn’t mean that the

There are a number of reasons for tree pruning; some are safety related, some are to lessen interference with buildings, and some protect the health of the tree. The need

As autumn settles in and winter approaches, it’s a good time consider the care your trees need now and throughout the coming season. Keep these things in mind and you’ll

Research shows that trees with multiple (codominant) stems have a higher likelihood of failure than those with a single stem so it is important to address this trait – the

The telltale signs of various tree diseases and insect infestations are often most evident in summer. Populations of many types of scales, mites, and aphids are particularly noticeable at this

It can be hard to grow bulbs, perennials, annuals, or shrubs under the shade of large trees. All plants need light to grow and only a few thrive in low

Every landscape looks great when flowering trees and shrubs are blooming. When the right plant is in the right place, it’s magic! Ornamentals are a great choice for adding a

Containerized trees and shrubs can add points of interest to patios, decks, small yards and balconies. Just give some thought to selecting the tree, pot and potting soil. Then consider

After the cold, dark weather of winter, we are all looking forward to spring! Flowers will be blooming.  The birds will be singing. And while spring brings new life to

After winter, it’s important to help trees and shrubs recover from the stress of harsh weather and any injuries. This is particularly true since plants under stress are more susceptible